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The "Know, Like, Trust" Factor in Nonprofits

donor retention fundraising nonprofit marketing prospecting donors Jun 01, 2024
Seal of a Trusted Partner

I had an interesting conversation with a friend this week. We were chatting over San Pellegrino’s and a charcuterie board about giving back. He was sharing about his hesitation about donating to a small nonprofit. He said he wasn’t sure they would be “responsible” with his donation. I immediately jumped on the defensive, setting him straight about how most nonprofits are doing incredibly important work, and take their fiscal responsibility very seriously. He raised an eyebrow in skepticism.

This got me thinking…is this common with folks who don’t spend their days (and sometimes nights) in the nonprofit world? How do I better help my clients gain the “know, like, trust” factor that all businesses need to attract clients, customers, and donors?

We know that as tax-exempt businesses, nonprofits receive benefits that other businesses do not. However, they also receive extreme scrutiny when it comes to their financials. Transparency is key when it comes to budgeting, tracking donations, managing restricted and unrestricted funds, etc. That’s the transaction-focused side of "know-like-trust". But for most people - CPAs & actuaries aside - balance sheets and P&Ls don’t tell the most inspiring story.

The best thing you as a nonprofit fundraiser can do is to share the stories of how your donor’s dollars are creating impact. Share what you are doing, who you are doing it for, and most importantly, share the results!

 In my opinion, marketing your mission is just as important as asking for money. The Donor’s Journey is the process that:

  • Attracts new donors – anyone who has a passion for your mission.
  • Cultivates relationships by creating engaging experiences – in person or online - that allow them to get to know the organization and the difference you make in the world.
  • Provides opportunities for giving – time, talent, and treasure.
  • Builds life-long partnerships that grow and develop over time.

 Your marketing strategies will target all phases of The Donor’s Journey and meet folks where they are. Here are a few questions to help you develop some fantastic content: 

  • What are the programs, projects, and services that you offer?
  • Who do you serve?
  • Where do you serve?
  • What is the need behind your programs and services? What is your why?
  • How are your programs and services changing the lives of those you serve?
  • How are your donors making the world a better place, by financially investing in your work?

The stories that develop from these answers not only inspire people to give, but they also know you are the experts in your field, they like partnering with you to make change and they trust that you will continue to realize your mission.

A few things happen when you have a strong “know, like, trust” factor:

  • You attract new donors.
  • First-time donors are more inclined to give a second gift.
  • Existing donors increase the frequency and amount of their donations.
  • Donors become ambassadors fundraising for you in their networks.

Donors (and potential donors) care about the work you do! They want to know about the results. You can over-ask for money, but you can’t over-share the results you are creating. Don’t be afraid to post on social media, send an e-newsletter, or even send a written note to a donor to thank them and share a story. You know your donors best. Connect with them in a way that is authentic to your brand.

Okay friends that’s my musings for today. Keep up the amazing work and reach out if you need support – [email protected]

Cheers to change!

~ Julianna

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