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One of the Top Secrets To Fundraising Success Is...

beginner fundraising donor stewardship fundraising fundraising 101 fundraising campaign fundraising fundamentals fundraising ideas how to fundraise how to raise money julianna nelson nonprofit nonprofit fundraising nonprofit leader nonprofit organization phillinnova fundraising prospecting donors raise more money raising money Aug 07, 2024
Woman pointing to a billboard saying One of the Top Secrets to Fundraising Success Is

Today we’re talking about one of the best nonprofit fundraising secret weapons you have right at your fingertips: your board members! 

Recruiting them to your fundraising team is the key to generating consistent revenue.

That’s why this blog is all about making fundraising easy and enjoyable for your board members. When they're excited about sharing your mission in their communities, fundraising becomes a breeze.

Here’s how to make it happen in 3 simple steps…

  1. Acknowledge
  2. Educate
  3. Engage

Let’s go a bit more in detail!

NONPROFIT FUNDRAISING Step 1: Know and Support Board Members' Fundraising Comfort

I recently asked a board I'm working with to rate their comfort level with fundraising on a scale of 1 to 5—1 being terrified and 5 being totally confident. 

Despite being accomplished leaders, no one rated themselves above a 3. Surprised? 

We often assume that someone’s role or title makes fundraising easy for them, but that’s not always true. How do you think your board would respond?

Your board is a mix of people with personalities–introverts, extroverts, writers, 1:1 connectors, social media gurus, and more. 

That’s why knowing your board members as well as you know your donors is crucial. Here’s why… Understanding their past experiences, passions, skills, and interests will help you guide them to fundraising activities they’ll love

You can tailor their roles to match their unique strengths, which helps hesitant board members transform into fundraising rockstars! 

Overall, meeting your board members where they are is the key to building a team of fundraising champions. 

Click the link at the bottom to download a FREE Board Fundraising Assessment Template. This simple tool will give you the insight you need to help board members build a personalize, custom fundraising strategy. They will be motivate to take action because it feels good!

NONPROFIT FUNDRAISING Step 2: Education is the Most Powerful Resource You Can Provide

The biggest hurdle for board members is often their lack of fundraising experience. 

Many think fundraising just means asking for money, but there’s so much more to it! 

It’s crucial for your board to understand that asking for donations is just one piece of the puzzle. There are plenty of other ways they can get involved.

At your next board meeting, share the 4 Phases of Fundraising and brainstorm ways for members to participate in each phase:

1. Prospecting

Purpose: The prospecting phase is all about identifying potential donors who share a passion for your mission and could support your organization. It's the foundation of the fundraising process, setting the stage for building relationships and securing donations.

Key Activities:

  • Research and Identify: Use various tools and techniques, such as donor databases, social media, and community networks, to identify individuals, businesses, and foundations with an interest in your cause.
  • Networking: Encourage board members to leverage their personal and professional networks to find potential supporters. This could include attending community events, professional gatherings, or social functions where they can meet prospective donors.
  • List Building: Create a list of potential donors, prioritizing those with the highest likelihood of giving based on their capacity, interest, and previous giving history.

Example: One board member might use their connections in the local business community to introduce your nonprofit to business owners who are passionate about similar causes. Another might connect with alumni from their university who have a history of philanthropic involvement.

2. Cultivating

Purpose: The cultivation phase focuses on building and deepening relationships with prospective donors. It's about nurturing these relationships to create a genuine connection and aligning their interests with your organization's mission.

Key Activities:

  • Engagement Events: Host events such as open houses, volunteer days, or behind-the-scenes tours to give prospects an inside look at your organization's work.
  • Personalized Communication: Tailor your communication to each prospect's interests and previous interactions. This can include personalized emails, phone calls, or handwritten notes.
  • Informational Sessions: Offer educational events, webinars, or roundtable discussions where prospects can learn more about your mission, programs, and impact.

Example: A board member might invite a prospect to a private tour of your facility, followed by a lunch where they can discuss the organization's achievements and future plans. This personal interaction helps build trust and a sense of investment in your cause.

3. The Ask

Purpose: The ask is the crucial moment where you formally request financial support from a prospect. It's essential to approach this step with confidence and clarity, ensuring that the potential donor understands the impact of their contribution.

Key Activities:

  • Tailored Proposals: Customize your ask based on the prospect's interests and giving capacity. Present clear, compelling reasons why their support is needed and how it will be used.
  • Campaigns and Events: Organize fundraising campaigns, such as online crowdfunding, peer-to-peer fundraising, or special events like galas and auctions, where board members can participate in making the ask.
  • Direct Solicitations: Train board members on making direct solicitations, whether through one-on-one meetings, phone calls, or written appeals. Provide them with talking points and materials to make the process easier.

Example: A board member who is a natural networker might host a small dinner at their home, where they present a specific project your nonprofit is working on. They can then directly ask their guests to support the project, explaining how their donations will make a tangible difference.

4. Stewardship

Purpose: Stewardship is about maintaining and nurturing relationships with donors after they have made a contribution. It's crucial for building long-term partnerships and ensuring continued support.

Key Activities:

  • Thank You and Acknowledgment: Promptly thank donors for their contributions, recognizing their generosity in a meaningful way. This can include thank-you letters, public acknowledgments, or personal phone calls.
  • Impact Reporting: Keep donors informed about how their donations are being used and the impact they are making. Share stories, photos, and videos that highlight the difference their support has made.
  • Ongoing Engagement: Continue to involve donors in your organization's activities and events. This could include inviting them to exclusive events, providing regular updates, or offering volunteer opportunities.

Example: After a successful fundraising event, board members can call donors to personally thank them and share a success story about how their donation is already making an impact. This personal touch helps donors feel appreciated and valued, increasing the likelihood of future support.

You see, understanding and effectively implementing these four phases of fundraising can significantly enhance a nonprofit's ability to secure stable and sustainable funding. Each phase requires careful planning and a tailored approach, leveraging the strengths and networks of board members. By engaging your board in these activities, you can build a strong, cohesive fundraising team that consistently supports your organization's mission and growth.


NONPROFIT FUNDRAISING Step 3: Self-Engagement is the Key to Consistency

Now that you know your board members’ comfort levels and have educated them on fundraising activities, it’s time to inspire them to take action

Throughout my many years of working with nonprofits, I’ve noticed that board members are eager to help, but often feel unsure about what steps to take. 

One thing you can do is have individual conversations with each board member about how they’d like to get involved. These conversations are what I call their “nurturing phase.” 

This is when you can listen to their ideas, concerns, and suggestions, create detailed action plans with clear goals and deadlines, and encourage each member to develop their own plan and timeline that aligns with your organization’s goals. 

With that, here are a few specific examples of how to provide the tools your board members need to become fundraising champions:

1. Create and Share Social Media Content

Purpose: Leverage the power of social media to increase visibility, raise awareness, and generate support for your nonprofit.

How to Contribute:

  • Personal Stories: Board members can share personal stories about why they are passionate about the cause. This helps to humanize the organization and connect with a broader audience.
  • Promotional Posts: They can promote upcoming events, campaigns, or initiatives on their personal social media channels, expanding the organization's reach.
  • Engagement Campaigns: Board members can initiate or participate in social media challenges, tag friends, and encourage their followers to engage with the content, donate, or volunteer.

Example: A board member who is active on Instagram can create a series of posts and stories highlighting their experiences with the organization, sharing impactful stories, and encouraging followers to get involved. They could also host a live Q&A session about the nonprofit’s mission and upcoming projects.

2. Write an Article for Your Newsletter

Purpose: Provide valuable insights and perspectives that can inspire and inform your supporters.

How to Contribute:

  • Expert Opinions: Board members can write articles offering their professional insights into issues related to your cause, showcasing the organization's expertise and thought leadership.
  • Personal Narratives: They can share personal reflections or stories about their involvement with the nonprofit, highlighting the impact of its work.
  • Donor Spotlights: Board members can write profiles of key donors or volunteers, celebrating their contributions and encouraging others to give.

Example: A board member with a background in education could write a newsletter article about the importance of educational programs provided by the nonprofit, including success stories and highlighting the need for continued support.

3. Host a Small Event at Their Home

Purpose: Create a personal and intimate setting to introduce your nonprofit's mission to a new audience and cultivate potential donors.

How to Contribute:

  • Themed Dinners or Receptions: Board members can host themed dinners, receptions, or informal gatherings at their home, where they present the nonprofit’s mission and recent achievements.
  • Private Screenings or Discussions: They can organize a private screening of a documentary related to the nonprofit's cause, followed by a discussion and a call to action.
  • Meet-and-Greets: Host a meet-and-greet event where attendees can interact with the organization's leadership or beneficiaries, providing a personal connection to the cause.

Example: A board member hosts a wine and cheese evening at their home, inviting friends, colleagues, and community members. During the event, they give a brief presentation on the nonprofit's work, followed by a Q&A session with the executive director. This setting allows guests to ask questions, share their thoughts, and consider making a donation.

4. Invite Friends and Family to Your Events

Purpose: Expand the reach of your events by tapping into the personal networks of board members.

How to Contribute:

  • Personal Invitations: Board members can personally invite their friends, family, and colleagues to attend fundraising events, volunteer days, or awareness campaigns.
  • Group Sponsorships: Encourage board members to form groups among their networks to sponsor tables at gala events or purchase group tickets to fundraising activities.
  • Event Ambassadors: They can act as event ambassadors, ensuring their guests feel welcome and engaged, and facilitating introductions to other key stakeholders.

Example: A board member invites a group of friends to a nonprofit’s annual gala. They organize a table and personally ensure that everyone understands the mission and the impact of their attendance. During the event, the board member introduces their guests to other donors and staff, creating a welcoming atmosphere and fostering connections.

5. Empower Them to Raise Funds by Sharing Their Passion with Their Circle

Purpose: Mobilize board members to become active fundraisers by sharing their enthusiasm for the cause with their personal networks.

How to Contribute:

  • Personal Fundraising Pages: Board members can create personal fundraising pages for specific campaigns, sharing these pages with their networks via email and social media.
  • Storytelling and Testimonials: Encourage them to share personal testimonials about why they support the nonprofit, either through videos, blog posts, or during speaking engagements.
  • Peer-to-Peer Fundraising: Board members can participate in peer-to-peer fundraising initiatives, where they reach out to their network to donate towards a common goal.

Example: A board member passionate about the cause records a video message explaining why they support the organization and why it's important. They share this video via email and on social media, along with a link to a personal fundraising page. Their heartfelt appeal resonates with their network, leading to significant contributions and raising awareness about the nonprofit's work.

By offering these diverse ways for board members to get involved, you can empower them to contribute in ways that play to their strengths and interests. This not only helps in fundraising but also deepens their connection and commitment to the organization, ultimately leading to a more engaged and effective board.

Overall, the power of an engaged Board inspired to share your mission is one of the secrets to multiplying your fundraising efforts exponentially.  

In saying that, let’s take a quick pulse on your board. If you need extra support motivating your board members go ahead and BOOK A FREE COACHING CALL HERE.

On this strategy call, we’ll deep dive into your Board engagement and create strategies that you can implement immediately to start seeing results quickly! 

And as promised CLICK HERE to access the Board Member Fundraising Assessment. This Google Form Template is ready for you to pop in your logo and get started. 

Until next time, my friend!

Happy Fundraising, 


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